5 Reasons Why You Should Work As A Student in Germany

4 min readSep 13, 2021


Happy girl working in a coffee shop.
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Team Coracle is back after a mini-hiatus. And this time, we are tackling the interesting and much-requested topic about student jobs in Germany. Let’s face it, living and studying in Germany is an expensive affair. Besides your blocked account amount, you might need a little extra cash to pay your bills, buy study supplies or simply enjoy your life as an international student.

Lucky for you, the German government actually makes provisions for students to work in the country while studying and make a decent living. If you want to know about the different types of jobs students can do in the country, stay tuned for our next blog.

But if you are in two minds about whether or not you should take up the extra responsibility of work while studying full-time, here are a few reasons why we believe this is a great idea!

Gain relevant work experience for future employers

Having work experience in the German market before you finish college is a great way to make yourself unique during job interviews in the future. Even if you have work experience in your home country, it adds an extra edge when you send applications to companies during or after your final semester.

Having worked with a company in the country, you are seen as someone who knows how German offices work and gives you an advantage during salary negotiations as a fresher while making you a more desirable candidate to hiring executives. Needless to say, as someone with relevant work experience in your field of studies in the country of your potential employer, you will probably be at a higher pay grade than peers who have no experience.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Get used to the German way of working

Every country has its own work culture that is distinctive to its workforce. Whether it’s work-life balance, the way you share ideas or collaborate with your colleagues and your time and task management, the experience in Germany can differ drastically from your home country.

The best way to understand how you fit into the specific culture of the country and your field of employment is to work as a part-time employee. It gives you an overview of how you react to the different norms in a potential workplace, how it helps you grow as a person and how it contributes to your overall learning experience as a student.

Meet potential future employers

If you get a student job in Germany in a sector closely related to your field of studies, it opens up huge doors into the future of your employment. With your hard work, determination and great ideas, you might have just found yourself a job straight after graduation.

But even beyond that, working as a student opens up possibilities for you at every step. When you work at trade fairs or coffee shops, you have a greater chance of meeting people outside your social bubble. This helps you in building your network, creating opportunities for yourself in the future.

Learn the Language

An extra advantage of working as a student in Germany is the brilliant space you get to learn the language. As you are pushed in more situations where you are required to pick up and understand the German language, you tend to use it more often, making you more confident about your abilities to master it.

Knowing the German language and practising it regularly also definitely improves your chances of (you guessed it right) finding a suitable job after graduation!

Gain experience in a new and exciting sector

Woman presenting to a group of her colleagues in a board room by pointing at a wall of Post-It Notes.
Photo by Leon on Unsplash

Being a student in a foreign country gives you a sense of freedom, allowing you to explore things you probably would not have done otherwise. How many of us would have considered being a dog walker or a babysitter as a side gig if we weren’t outside our comfort zone and protective environment?

The best part of picking up these jobs that are not related to your field of study helps you pick up skills or character traits that might come to use even in a traditional work environment.

Signing Off

Working as a student in Germany doesn’t have to be just about the money you make out of it. There are myriad benefits of picking up a side hustle that will enrich your experience as an international student. So, if you have the time and mental bandwidth, consider researching about what kind of jobs you can do in Germany,

If you liked this blog, we will be back with more tips, tricks and details on finding student jobs in Germany in our next one. Stay tuned!




Written by Coracle

Coracle strives to make your #RoadToGermany smoother by providing you with a holistic solution to all your blocked account and insurance needs.

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